Publications Didier AURELLE


tirés à part / reprint request: didier.aurelle(at)  / didier_aurelle(at)


Ledoux J.-B., (...) Aurelle D., Garrabou J., Alioto T. (2025) Chromosome-Level Genome Assembly and Annotation of Corallium rubrum: A Mediterranean Coral Threatened by Overharvesting and Climate Change, Genome Biology and Evolution, Volume 17, Issue 2, February 2025, evae253,

Aurelle D., Haguenauer A., Bally M., Zuberer F., Ledoux J. B., Sartoretto S., ...Samadi S., Pontarotti P. (2024). Symbiotic status does not preclude hybridisation in Mediterranean octocorals. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, Volume 143, Issue 4, December 2024, blae116,

Siuda D.N.S., Blanfuné A., Dibner S., Verlaque M., Boudouresque C.-F., Connan S., Goodwin D.S., Stiger-Pouvreau V., Viard F., Rousseau F., Michotey V., Schell J.M., Changeux T., Aurelle D., Thibaut T. (2024) Morphological and Molecular Characters Differentiate Common Morphotypes of Atlantic Holopelagic Sargassum. Phycology. 2024; 4(2):256-275.

Aurelle, D., Haguenauer, A., Blaise, C., Reynes, L., Arnaud‐Haond, S., Boavida, J., ... & Orejas, C. (2024). On the specific status of eastern Mediterranean Dendrophyllia corals (Cnidaria, Anthozoa): Genetic characterization and speciation scenarios. Zoologica Scripta. 53(2), 235-247.

Beauvieux, A., Mérigot, B., Le Luyer, J., Fromentin, J. M., Couffin, N., Brown, A., Bianchimani, O., Hocdé, R., Aurelle, D., Ledoux, J.-B., Bertile, F., Schull, Q. (2024). Mesophotic zone as refuge: acclimation and in-depth proteomic response of yellow gorgonians in the Mediterranean sea. Coral Reefs, 1-14.

Reynes, M., Fouqueau, L., Aurelle, D., Mauger, S., Destombe, C., Valero, M. (2024) Temporal genomics help in deciphering neutral and adaptive patterns in the contemporary evolution of kelp populations, Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 2024;, voae048,

Sartoretto, S., Ledoux, J.-B., Guéret, E., Guillemain, D., Ravel, C., Moirand, L., Aurelle, D. (2024). About a mesophotic ‘giant’ Paramuricea clavata forest:

ecological and genomic characterisation of remarkable natural heritage. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 728, 85–103.

Coelho, M. A. G., Pearson, G. A., Boavida, J. R. H., Paulo, D., Aurelle, D., Arnaud-Haond, S., Gómez-Gras, D., Bensoussan, N., López-Sendino, P., Cerrano, C., Kipson, S., Bakran-Petricioli, T., Ferretti, E., Linares, C., Garrabou, J., Serrão, E. A., & Ledoux, J.-B. (2023). Not out of the Mediterranean: Atlantic populations of the gorgonian Paramuricea clavata are a separate sister species under further lineage diversification. Ecology and Evolution, 13, e9740.

Oury, N., Noël, C., Mona, S., Aurelle, D., & Magalon, H. (2023). From genomics to integrative species delimitation? The case study of the Indo-Pacific Pocillopora corals. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 184, 107803.

Aurelle, D., Pratlong, M., Oury, N., Haguenauer, A., Gélin, P., Magalon, H., Adjeroud M., Romans P., Vidal-Dupiol J., Claereboudt M., Noûs C., Reynes L., Toulza E., Bonhomme F., Mitta G., Pontarotti, P. (2022). Species and population genomic differentiation in Pocillopora corals (Cnidaria, Hexacorallia). Genetica, 150, pages 247–262.

Aurelle D., Thomas S., Albert C., Bally M., Bondeau A., Boudouresque C.-F., Cahill A. E., Carlotti F., Chenuil A., Cramer W., Davi H., De Jode A., Ereskovsky A., Farnet A.-M., Fernandez C., Gauquelin T., Mirleau P., Monnet A.-C., Prévosto B., Rossi V., Sartoretto S., Van Wambeke F., Fady B. (2022). Biodiversity, climate change and adaptation in the Mediterranean. Ecosphere 13( 4): e3915. 

Brener-Raffalli, K., Vidal-Dupiol, J., Adjeroud, M., Rey, O., Romans, P., Bonhomme, F., Pratlong, M., Haguenauer, A., Pillot, R., Feuillassier, L., Claereboudt, M., Magalon, H., Gélin, P., Pontarotti, P., Aurelle, D., Mitta, G., Toulza, E. (2022) Gene expression plasticity and frontloading promote thermotolerance in Pocillopora corals. Peer Community Journal, Volume 2 article no. e13. doi : 10.24072/pcjournal.79.

Mahé, M., Aurelle, D., Poggiale, J. C., Mayot, N. (2022). Assessment of the distribution of Ruditapes spp. in northern Mediterranean sites using morphological and genetic data. Journal of Molluscan Studies, 88(4), eyac029.

Tignat-Perrier, R., van de Water, J. A., Guillemain, D., Aurelle, D., Allemand, D., & Ferrier-Pagès, C. (2022). The effect of thermal stress on the physiology and bacterial communities of two key Mediterranean gorgonians. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, aem-02340.

Stankiewicz, K.H., Vasquez Kuntz, K.L., Coral Microsatellite Group (including Aurelle D.) and Baums, I.B. (2022), The impact of estimator choice: Disagreement in clustering solutions across K estimators for Bayesian analysis of population genetic structure across a wide range of empirical datasets. Molecular Ecology Resources. 22(3), 1135-1148.

Dibner S., Martin L., Thibaut T., Aurelle D., Blanfuné A., Whittaker K., Cooney L., Schell J. M., Goodwin D.S., Siuda A.N.S. (2021). Consistent genetic divergence observed among pelagic Sargassum morphotypes in the western North Atlantic. Marine Ecology, 00, 1– 12. 

Gazula C.R., Lopez P., Antunes A., Aurelle D., Monterro-Serra I., Dominici J.-M., Linares C., Garrabou J., Ledoux J.-B. (2021). Demo-genetic approach for the conservation and restoration of a habitat-forming octocoral: the case of the red coral, Corallium rubrum, in the Réserve Naturelle de Scandola. Frontiers in Marine Science, 8, 655.

Pratlong, M.; Haguenauer, A.; Brener, K.; Mitta, G.; Toulza, E.; Garrabou, J.; Bensoussan, N.; Pontarotti, P.; Aurelle, D. (2021) Separate the wheat from the chaff: genomic scan for local adaptation in the red coral Corallium rubrum. Peer Community Journal, Volume 1 (2021), article no. e31. doi : 10.24072/pcjournal.12.

Reynes L., Aurelle D., Chevalier C., Pinazo C., Valero M., Mauger S., Sartoretto S., Blanfuné A., Ruitton S., Boudouresque C.-F., Verlaque M., Thibaut T. (2021) Population genomics and Lagrangian modeling shed light on dispersal events in the Mediterranean endemic Ericaria zosteroides (= Cystoseira zosteroides) (Fucales). Frontiers in Marine Science, 8, 582. 

Reynes L., Thibaut T., Mauger S., Blanfuné A., Holon F., Cruaud C., Couloux A., Valero M., Aurelle D. (2021). Genomic signatures of clonality in the deep water kelp Laminaria rodriguezii. Molecular Ecology. 30, 1806-1822.

Aurelle D. (2021) Le champignon qui se fait beau comme une fleur. Espèces , 39, 10.

Aurelle, D., Tariel, J., Zuberer, F. Haguenauer A., Ribout C., Masmoudi M., Kara H., Chaoui L., Garrabou J., Ledoux J.-B., Gambi M. C. (2020) Genetic insights into recolonization processes of Mediterranean octocorals. Marine Biology. 167, 73.

Aurelle D. (2019) Les orchidées et le sexe (presque) sans gènes… L’orchidophile, 221, 111.

Aurelle D., Pante E., Ledoux J.-B., Sartoretto S. (2019) Advances on the phylogenetic placement of the enigmatic octocoral Dendrobrachia Brook 1889. Zootaxa. 4674 (1), 117-126.

Bchir R., Djellouli A.S., Zitouna N.,
Aurelle D., Pergent G., Pergent-Martini C., Langar H. (2019) Morphology and Genetic Studies of Cymodocea Seagrass Genus in Tunisian Coasts. Phyton, 88(2), 171-184.

Brener-Raffalli K., Vidal-Dupiol J., Adjeroud M., Rey O., Romans P., Bonhomme F., Pratlong M., Haguenauer A., Pillot R., Feuillassier L., Claereboudt M., Magalon H., Gélin P., Pontarotti P., Aurelle D., Mitta G., Toulza E. (2019). Gene expression plasticity and frontloading promote thermotolerance in Pocillopora corals bioRxiv, 2019, 398602, ver. 4 peer-reviewed and recommended by Peer Community in Ecology. version 4

Ody A., Thibaut T., Berline L., Changeux T., André J.-M., Chevalier C., Blanfuné A., Blanchot J. Ruitton S., Stiger-Pouvreau V., Connan S., Grelet J., Aurelle D., Guéné M., Bataille H., Bachelier C., Guillemain D., Schmidt S., Fauvelle V., Guasco S. Ménard F. (2019) From in situ to satellite observations of pelagic Sargassum aggregations distribution and morphology in the Tropical North Atlantic Ocean. PloS one, 14 (9).

Brener-Raffalli K., Clerissi C., Vidal-Dupiol J., Adjeroud M., Bonhomme F., Pratlong M., Aurelle D., Mitta G., Toulza, E. (2018) Thermal regime and host clade, rather than geography, drive Symbiodinium and bacterial assemblages in the scleractinian coral Pocillopora damicornis sensu lato. Microbiome, 6(1), 39.

Cánovas-Molina, A., Montefalcone, M., Bavestrello, G., Masmoudi, M. B., Haguenauer, A., Hammami, P., Chaoui, L., Kara; M.H., Aurelle, D. (2018). From depth to regional spatial genetic differentiation of Eunicella cavolini in the NW Mediterranean. Comptes Rendus Biologie, 341(9-10), 421-432.

Pratlong M, Haguenauer A, Brener K, Mitta G, Toulza E, Garrabou J, Bensoussan N, Pontarotti P*, Aurelle D* (2018). Separate the wheat from the chaff: genomic analysis of local adaptation in the red coral Corallium rubrum (2018), bioRxiv, 306456, ver. 3 peer-reviewed and recommended by Peer Community in Evolutionary Biology. (* co-responsible)

Aurelle D. (2017) Les orchidées et le sexe (presque) sans gêne. Espèces, 23, 42-49

Aurelle D. (2017) Blanchissement massif sur la grande barrière de corail. Espèces, 24, 8.

Aurelle D., Pivotto I.D., Malfant M., Topçu N.E., Masmoudi M.B., Chaoui L., Kara M.H., Coelho M., Castilho R., Haguenauer A. (2017) Fuzzy species limits in Mediterranean gorgonians (Cnidaria, Octocorallia) : inferences on speciation processes. Zoologica Scripta, 46(6), 767-778.

Cahill A.E., De Jode A., Dubois S., Bouzaza Z.,
Aurelle D., Boissin E., Chabrol O., David R., Egéa E., Ledoux J.-B., Mérigot B., Weber A. A-T., Chenuil A. (2017) Determinants of local diversity and connectivity in the marine environment: a comparative multispecies approach. Molecular Ecology, 26, 6563–6577.

Crisci C., Ledoux J.-B., Mokhtar-Jamaï K., …,
Aurelle D., …, Garrabou J. (2017) Regional and local environmental conditions do not shape the response to warming of a marine habitat-forming species. Scientific Reports, 7 (1), 5069.

Marzouk Z.,
Aurelle D., Said K., Chenuil A. (2017) Cryptic lineages and high population genetic structure in the marine snail Hexaplex trunculus (Gastropoda: Muricidae). Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 122 (2), 411-428.

Poliseno A., Feregrino C., Sartoretto S., Aurelle D., Woerheide G., Mc Fadden C., Vargas S. (2017) Comparative mitogenomics, phylogeny and evolutionary history of Leptogorgia Gorgoniidae). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 115, 181-189.

Pratlong M., Haguenauer A., Chenesseau S.,  Brener K., Mitta G., Toulza E.,
Aurelle D.*, Pontarotti P.*  (2017) Evidences for a genetic sex-determination in Cnidaria, the Mediterranean red coral (Corallium rubrum). Royal Society Open Science, 4 (3), 160880 .                                (* co-responsible)
see also

Pratlong M., Rancurel C., Pontarotti P.,
Aurelle D. (2017). Monophyly of Anthozoa (Cnidaria): why do nuclear and mitochondrial phylogenies disagree?. Zoologica Scripta, 46(3), 363-371

Boudinar A.S., Chaoui L., Quignard J.-P., Aurelle D., Kara M.H. (2016) Otolith shape analysis and mitochondrial DNA markers distinguish three sand smelt species in the Atherina boyeri species complex in western mediterranean. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 186, 202-210

Boavida J., Paulo D., Aurelle D., Arnaud-Haond S., Marschal C., et al. (2016) A Well-Kept Treasure at Depth: Precious Red Coral Rediscovered in Atlantic Deep Coral Gardens (SW Portugal) after 300 Years. PLoS ONE 11(1): e0147228. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0147228

Manel S., Perrier C., Pratlong M., Abi-Rached L., Pontarotti P., Paganini J.,
Aurelle D. (2016) Genomic resources and their influence on the detection of the signal of positive selection in genome scans. Molecular Ecology, 25, 170-184

Masmoudi M.B., Chaoui L., Topçu N.E., Hammami P., Kara M.H., Aurelle D. (2016) Contrasted levels of genetic diversity in a benthic Mediterranean octocoral: Consequences of different demographic histories? Ecology and Evolution, 6(24), 8665-8678.  

Thibaut T., Bottin L., Aurelle D., Boudouresque C.F., Blanfuné A., Pairaud I., Verlaque M., Millet B. (2016). Connectivity of populations of Cystoseira amentacea within the Bay of Marseille : genetic differentiation and hydrodynamic connections. Cryptogamie Algologie, 37 (4), 233-255

Gagnaire, P. A., Broquet, T., Aurelle, D., Viard, F., Souissi, A., Bonhomme, F., ... & Bierne, N. (2015). Using neutral, selected and hitchhiker loci to assess connectivity of marine populations in the genomic era. Evolutionary Applications, 8(8), 769-786.

Pante, E., Puillandre, N., Viricel, A., Arnaud‐Haond, S., Aurelle, D., Castelin, M., ... & Samadi, S. (2015). Species are hypotheses: avoid connectivity assessments based on pillars of sand. Molecular ecology, 24(3), 525-544.

Pivotto ID., Nerini D., Masmoudi M., Kara H., Chaoui L., Aurelle D. (2015) Highly contrasted responses of Mediterranean octocorals to climate change along a depth gradient. Royal Society Open Science, 2.

Postaire B., Aurelle D., Bourmaud C.A.F., Bruggemann J.H., Magalon H. (2015)  Isolation and characterisation of 16 microsatellite loci from a widespread tropical hydrozoan, Lytocarpia brevirostris (Busk, 1852). Conservation Genetics Resources, 7(2), 505-507.

Postaire B., Aurelle D., Bourmaud C.A.F., Bruggemann J.H., Magalon H. (2015) Isolation and characterisation of  microsatellite loci from a widespread tropical hydrozoan, Macrorhynchia phoenicea (Leptothecate: Aglaopheniidae), and cross-amplifications testeding on closely related species. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology 62, 137-141.                  

Pratlong M., Haguenauer A., Chabrol O., Klopp C., Pontarotti P., Aurelle D. (2015) The red coral (Corallium rubrum) transcriptome: a new resource for population genetics and local adaptation studies. Molecular Ecology Resources. 15(5), 1205-1215. doi: 10.1111/1755-0998.12383

Ledoux J.-B., Aurelle D., Bensoussan N., Marschal C., Féral J. P., Garrabou, J. (2014). Potential for adaptive evolution at species range margins: contrasting interactions between red coral populations and their environment in a changing ocean. Ecology and Evolution. doi: 10.1002/ece3.1324

van Ofwegen LP, Aurelle D., Sartoretto S (2014) A new genus of soft coral (Cnidaria, Octocorallia) from the Republic of Congo (Pointe-Noire Region). ZooKeys, 462, 1-10. doi: 10.3897/zookeys.462.8533

Aurelle D., Lundalv T. (2014) Coraux froids, mous et plumes de mer. Espèces, 13, 41-47

Aurelle D., Ledoux J.-B. (2013)  Interplay between isolation by distance and genetic clusters in the red coral Corallium rubrum: insights from simulated and empirical data. Conservation Genetics, 14(3) ,705-716

Gérard K., Guilloton E., Arnaud-Haond S., Aurelle D., et al. (2013) PCR survey of 50 introns in animals: cross-amplification of homologous EPIC loci in eight nonbilaterian, protostome and deuterostome phyla. Marine genomics. 12:1-8

Haguenauer A., Zuberer F., Ledoux J.-B., Aurelle D. (2013) Adaptive abilities of the Mediterranean red coral Corallium rubrum in an heterogeneous and changing environment: from population to functional genetics. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology. 449, 349-357

Ledoux J.-B., Aurelle D., Féral J.-P., Garrabou J. (2013) Molecular forensics in the precious Mediterranean red coral, Corallium rubrum: testing DNA extraction and microsatellite genotyping using dried colonies. Conservation Genetic Ressources, 14(3),705-716
Mokhtar-Jamaï K., Coma R., Wang J., Zuberer F., Féral J.-P., Aurelle D. (2013)  Role of evolutionary and ecologicall factors in the reproductive success and the spatial genetic structure of the temperate gorgonian Paramuricea clavata. Ecology and Evolution.

Penant G., Aurelle D., Feral J.-P., Chenuil A. (2013) To what extent do larvae warrant gene flow in marine invertebrates? lessons from the edible sea urchin Paracentrotus lividus. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 480, 155–170

Fadhlaoui-Zid K., Knittweis L., Aurelle D., Nafkha C., Ezzedine S., Fiorentino F., Ghmati H., Ceriola L., Jarboui O., Maltagliati F. (2012) Genetic structure of Octopus vulgaris (Cephalopoda, Octopodidae) in the central Mediterranean Sea inferred from the mitochondrial COIII gene. Comptes Rendus Biologie, 335, 625-636.

Aurelle D., Baumel A. (photos F. Zuberer) (2012) La sabline de Provence et le corail rouge: emblèmes de la biodiversité des Calanques. Espèces, 4, 24-29.

Aurelle D., Ledoux J.-B., Rocher C., Borsa P., Chenuil A., Féral J.-P. (2011)  Phylogeography of the red coral (Corallium rubrum): inferences on the evolutionary history of a temperate gorgonian. Genetica, 139(7), 855-869.

Mokhtar-Jamaï K., Pascual M., Ledoux J.-B., Coma R., Féral J.-P., Garrabou J., Aurelle D. (2011) Genetic structuring in the red gorgonian Paramuricea clavata across the Mediterranean Sea: the interplay between oceanographic conditions and limited larval dispersal. Molecular Ecology, 20, 3291-3305.

Chenuil A., Hoareau T. B., Egea E., Penant G., Rocher C., Aurelle D., et al., (2010) An efficient method to find eventually universal population genetic markers, applied to metazoans. BMC Evolutionary Biology, 10, 276

Ledoux J.-B.,  Garrabou J., Bianchimani O., Drap P., Féral J.-P., Aurelle D. (2010) Fine-scale genetic structure and inferences on population biology in the threatened Mediterranean red coral, Corallium rubrum.. Molecular Ecology, 19, 4204-4216.

Ledoux J.-B., Mokhtar-Jamaï K., Roby C., Féral J.-P., Garrabou J., Aurelle D. (2010) Genetic survey of shallow populations of the Mediterranean red coral (Corallium rubrum (Linnaeus, 1758)): new insights into evolutionary processes shaping current nuclear diversity and implications for conservation. Molecular Ecology, 19, 675–690.

Molecular Ecology Resources Primer Development Consortium, Aurelle D., Baker A.J., Bottin L., et al. (2010) Permanent Genetic Resources added to the Molecular Ecology Resources Database 1 February 2010–31 March 2010. Molecular Ecology Resources, 10, 751-754.

Bouriga N., Selmi S.,
Aurelle D., Barthelemy R., Quignard J.-P. Trabelsi M., Faure E. (2009) Lagoonal sand smelts (Atherina lagunaea, Teleostei, Atherinidae) inhabit marine shallow waters of the coasts of Djerba Island (Tunisia) Bulletin de l’Institut National des Sciences et Technologies de la Mer de Salammbô, 36, 65-72.

Trabelsi M., Bourigat N., Aurelle D., Quignard J.-P., Barthelemy R., Faure E. (2009) Some Marine Tunisian Atherina boyeri Populations (Teleostei) have Morphological and Molecular Characteristics of Lagoon Fishes. The open marine biology journal, 3, 59-69.

Aurelle D., Barthelemy R., Quignard J.-P., Trabelsi M., Faure E. (2008) Molecular phylogeny of Mugilidae (Teleostei: Perciformes). The Open Marine Biology Journal, 2, 29-37.

Jabin P.E., Lemesle V., Aurelle D. (2008) A continuous size-structured red coral growth model. Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences, 18(11), 1927-1944.

Trabelsi M., Aurelle D., Bouriga N., Quignard J.-P., Casanova J.-P. Faure E. (2008) Identification of juvenile of grey mullet species (Teleostei: Perciformes) from Kuriat Islands (Tunisia) and evidence of gene flow between Atlantic and Mediterranean Liza aurata. Cahiers de Biologie Marine, 49, 269-276.

Borsa P., Lemer S., Aurelle D. (2007) Patterns of lineage diversification in rabbitfishes. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 44, 427-435. doi:10.1016/j.ympev.2007.01.015.

Lemer S., Aurelle D., Vigliola L., Durand J.-D., Borsa P. (2007) Cytochrome b barcoding, molecular systematics, and geographic differentiation in rabbitfishes (Siganidae). C.R. Biologie, 330, 86-94. doi:10.1016/j.crvi.2006.09.002.

Calderón I., Garrabou J., Aurelle D. (2006) Evaluation of the utility of COI and ITS markers as tools for population genetic studies of temperate gorgonians. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 336, 184-197. doi:10.1016/j.jembe.2006.05.006.

Aurelle D., Guillemaud T., Afonso P., Morato T., Wirtz P., Serrão Santos R., Cancela M.L., (2003) Genetic study of Coris julis (Osteichtyes, Perciformes, Labridae) evolutionary history and dispersal abilities. C.R. Biologie, 326, 771-785. doi:10.1016/j.crvi.2003.08.001.

Aurelle D., Cattaneo-Berrebi G., Berrebi P. (2002) . Natural and artificial secondary contact in brown trout (Salmo trutta, L.) of the French western Pyrenees assessed by allozymes and microsatellites. Heredity, 89, 171-183.

Aurelle D., Berrebi P. (2001) Genetic structure of brown trout (Salmo trutta, L.) populations from south western France: data from mitochondrial control region variability. Molecular Ecology, 10, 1551-1561.

Aurelle D., Lek S., Giraudel J.L., Berrebi P. (1999) Microsatellites and artificial neural networks : tools to discriminate natural and hatcheries brown trout (Salmo trutta fario, L.) in Atlantic populations. Ecological Modeling, 120, 313-324.

Aurelle D., Giraudel J.L., Lek S., Berrebi P. (1998) Utilisation des réseaux de neurones multicouches pour classifier des populations de truites à partir des données génétiques. In: 6ièmes rencontres de la Société Francophone de Classification (ENSA Montpellier, ed.), Montpellier, pp. 11-14.

Aurelle D., Berrebi P. (1998) Microsatellite markers and management of brown trout Salmo trutta fario populations in southwestern France. Génétique, Sélection, Evolution. 30 (suppl. 1), S75-S90.

Book chapters

Line Le Gall, Laure Corbari, Didier Aurelle, Anne Bay-Nouailhat, Wilfried Bay-Nouailhat, Thibaut de Bettignies, Éric Duchaud, Gilberto Marani, Philippe Bouchet. (2024)  Bilan scientifique LA PLANÈTE REVISITÉE EN CORSE : Volet marin 2019-2021. MNHN Paris. pp.189. ⟨mnhn-04552677⟩

Joël Guiot, Hubert Mazurek, Thomas Curt et Patrick Raimbault. Eds.  Marseille et l’Environnement. Bilan, Qualité et Enjeux. Le développement durable d’une grande ville littorale face au changement climatique (2021). Presse universitaire de Provence (2021) ISBN: 9791032002933. Participation au Chapitre 5 "La Biodiversité et les changements globaux"

Orejas C., Jiménez C., Gori A., Rivera J., Iacono C. L., Aurelle D., Hadjioannou L., Petrou A., Achilleos K. (2019). 23 Corals of Aphrodite: Dendrophyllia ramea Populations of Cyprus. In Mediterranean Cold-Water Corals: Past, Present and Future (pp. 257-260). Springer, Cham.

Costantini F., Aurelle D., Ledoux J.-B., Abbiati M. (2016) Population genetic structure of Corallium rubrum. In the Mediterranean Sea: diversity, phylogeography, and bathymetric patterns. In The Cnidaria, Past, Present and Future (pp. 717-728). Springer, Cham.

Ledoux J.-B., Antunes A., Haguenauer A., Pratlong M., Costantini F., Abbiati M., Aurelle D. (2016) Molecular forensics into the sea: how molecular markers can help to struggle against poaching and illegal trade in precious corals? In The Cnidaria, Past, Present and Future (pp. 729-745). Springer, Cham.

Giraudel J.L., Aurelle D., Lek S., Berrebi P. (2000) Application of the Self-Organizing Mapping and Fuzzy Clustering to microsatellite data: how to detect genetic structure in brown trout (Salmo trutta) populations. In: Artificial Neuronal Networks, Lek S. and Guégan J.F. eds. 187-202, Springer-Verlag Berlin.